Mercatus Resource Library —
Instantaneous Sharing of Resources to Hundred of Tenants within a Parent Mall
The Mercatus Resource Library is a centralized portal for all members and tenants of the Mercatus group. All resources pertaining to the mall such as bulletins, shopper’s journey, and mall guides will be uploaded directly on this portal by the admin and instantaneously shared to hundreds of members and tenants.
Objective —
The objective of this project was to create a centralized hub for resources shared amongst hundreds of members and tenants of the Mercatus group. Our main focus was to create an extremely user-friendly experience on the portal, such that each users are able to instantly find the respective resources that they’re looking for.
Another focus of ours was the security of these shared information and to make sure that they are protected and only accessible to the intended authorized users.
Project Type —
Website Design
Website Development
Fig. 1. Mercatus Resource Library Login Page
Dedicated Resource Protection & Permission Level Access
The shared resources within the Mercatus Resource Library are sensitive information that are meant only for authorized users within the Mercatus community.
With that in mind, our team created a dedicated account login portal (Fig. 1) to make sure that these resources only falls into the hands of users who are able to clear the login with their pre-registered username and password.
Multi-Language Implementation to Accommodate the Majority User-base
As majority of the user-base falls into the English and Chinese literacy groups, we have designed the Mercatus Resource Library to encompass both language (Fig. 2) so as to allow access to the required information to be as smooth and efficient as possible.
Our team have also made the decision to allocate both languages directly onto the portal on every touchpoint, as opposed to a language switcher, which would then create an unnecessary step for users to toggle language.
Fig. 2. Multi-Language Design
Fig. 3. In-built Video Player
In-built Autoplay Video Player to Reduce UX Friction
To provide quick access to required information and guides, our team has provisioned for an in-built video player (Fig. 3) that automatically load and plays an instructional video once a user requested for it.
This helps to reduce friction on user experience and ease user frustration when searching for knowledge pertaining to actions that usually require on-the-go remedy in the face of a waiting customer.
flag&mountains is a creative digital agency, at the intersection of design, technology & business. Since 2012, we’ve had the honour to work with hundreds of companies and businesses.